创意指导:小绿 /
艺术指导:邓雄均 /
CD. Xiaolv /
AD. Deng Xiongjun /
艺术指导:邓雄均 /
CD. Xiaolv /
AD. Deng Xiongjun /
设计师:邓雄均 / 段岩松 / 蒋伟 / 王宦朝 / 马有元 /
摄影师:马有元 /
摄影师:马有元 /
D. Deng Xiongjun / Duan Yansong / Jiang Wei / Wang Huanzhao / Ma Youyuan
P. Ma Youyuan /
我们与Holiland好利来品牌团队合作完成了全国首家Holiland Select精品店的VI与包装设计。Holiland Select选址在武汉,全国第九座重奢定位的万象城中。旨在精选好利来久经考验的经典产品及烘焙艺术精品。受制于高端的场域气质与面向更广阔大众的期待,项目的整体重心在于如何找到高级感与亲切感,时尚艺术与生活日常,平近与疏离的平衡。
整套视觉的灵感来源于甜品与时装创作时的混淆。时装界时常借用来自甜品的灵感进行创作。从面料的选择,到色彩,印花,廓形的偏爱,再到时尚大片的拍摄,时装设计师们大胆创作取材于{甜品}的时尚。Holiland Select反其道行之,以现代时装设计中“线”的表达作为品牌视觉的起点线作为时装设计师最重要的创作手段,影响着服饰的造型,剪裁,风格印象等多个维度,并因此形成每一件时装独特的概念与精神内核。Holiland Select将服饰中裁线,缝线,拼接线的走势与状态,内化为平面语言,并结合水洗标的运用,期待形成从简洁利索的“线”中隐约显现的克制与优雅。
Holiland Select is a high-end themed shop under the brand of Holiland. This is a set of visual identity and package design for them. Fashion industry often take inspirations from the making of deserts. From the choice of material, color, and pattern to the fondness of exaggerate silhouette, fashion designers use the dessert inspired elements to boldly express themselves. Yet, Holiland Select choose the opposed way by using the most fundamental element of fashion design, the line, as the starting point of the brand identity. Line, the most important tool for fashion designers, determinate the shape, tailoring, style and impressions of the clothes. Thus, the line makes up to the core and concept of a unique garment. Holiland Select internalized the feeling of sewing and tailoring and the idea of sewn-in label in fashion design to its unique graphic design language. Hoping to present the gracefulness and the beauty of restrain from these clean and brisk lines.