© 2024 zlyxdesign.


创意指导:小绿 /
艺术指导:邓雄均 /

CD.    Xiaolv /
AD.    Deng Xiongjun /

设计师:邓雄均 / 李雯西 / 段岩松 / 蒋伟 /

D.    Deng Xiongjun / Li Wenxi / Duan Yansong / Jiang Wei /

FreasyCook 大味实场是一个以天然有益的味道成分探索调味产品新形式的年轻品牌。大部分调味品的包装依附于新鲜食材或烹饪状态的食物照片调动人们的食欲性以增加购买欲望。品牌创始人希望FreasyCook可以尝试表达食欲的新出路。从生活经验来看,食欲即将得到满足之际是食欲被调动得最旺盛的时候。这个时候,是食物即将出锅的瞬间,也是调味料与食材融合得刚刚好的瞬间。这个瞬间,与食欲感相依相存的是轻松,欢愉,充满期待的情绪。我们想让包装释放出这样的情绪。FreasyCook 大味实场将与众多调味品一起出现在商超货架上。一方面,与其他调味品的并置关系会帮助人们在没有实物照片的情况下完成品类联想;另一方面,在色彩选择上我们尽量与食物快烹饪好时的色彩状态产生关联,期望可以调动起人们以往生活经验留下的味道记忆。

FreasyCook is a young brand exploring the ingredients of cpre-packaged seasonings with nature and healthy elements. 
Most pre-packaged seasoning brands are relying on the photo of freshly cooked food or fresh ingredients to stimulate the customers’ appetite and desire to purchase. The brand originator wants FreasyCook to try new ways to express the desire for food. From our living experience, the time when the appetite is the closest to be fulfilled is when it had reached the peak of the desire. That is when the food is about to serve, and when the seasoning had perfectly embraced and infused with the ingredients. At this moment, the desire for food comes with the feeling of lightness, happiness and anticipation. We want this set of packaging design to demonstrate these feelings.FreasyCook is going to show up on the supermarket racks along with other seasons. On the one hand, placing next to other seasonings could help the consumers understand the product without printing an image of on top. On the other hand, We try to use the color scheme of the almost cooked food in order to bring back the tasty memory of the custumers their own.